Every Branch Of Science Leads To A Creator
From Genetics to Astronomy

A Book That's Hard To Put Down

The book Every Branch Of Science Leads To A Creator, although short, covers several topics. The chapter Origin Of the Universe shows how the scientific account of the big bang cannot scientifically explain the origin of our universe. Additionally, scientists are at such a loss to explain how our universe happens to be so perfectly suited for human life Image that some scientists entertain the notion of a "multiverse," which is a universe that continually spawns other universes, and we live in one that happened to work out. Aside from its absurdity, it doesn't solve anything. Where did this alleged multiverse come from?

Chapter Spontaneous Creation describes how some scientists, to avoid believing in God, go as far as entertaining the nonsensical concept of Spontaneous Creation, which says the universe just appeared out of nothing. The late Stephen Hawking was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. He once said, "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God ... " What's ironic is that his notion of how the universe came into existence is basically the story of Creation; all he did was eliminate God from the picture. This shows to what ludicrous lengths some people, no matter how brilliant, will go to just not to believe in God. This book shows that Creation by God is the only possible explanation for the existence of our universe.

The chapter on Archaeological Finds describes how the technique of dating rocks and minerals using radioactive isotopes, called "radiometric dating," has been proven to fluctuate under extreme conditions. Consequentially, something thought to be millions of years old may actually be only thousands of years old.

The chapter Intellect describes how intellect -- a sense of humor, an appreciation of art, the ability to differentiate between right, wrong, good and bad -- is far beyond scientific explanation. There isn't a substance known to man that produces intellect. What is it and where does it come from? Without entertaining the notion of a soul, intellect is an unresolvable mystery.

The Theory of Evolution, in a nutshell, is a chapter about evolutionists' claims that life evolved through a series of random mutations. There is much literature describing why the random, mindless evolution of life is not possible. And much of it makes a strong case. The disproof presented in this book, however, is a unique approach developed many years ago. It describes how the fossil Image record shows concrete proof that evolution never happened, which renders the question of whether it's possible moot. Ironically, it's the same fossil record that evolutionists tout as proof of evolution. But their "proofs" ignore vital data and distort the data they do present. By presenting facts already well known, this book presents incontrovertible arguments that show beyond a shadow of a doubt that evolution never happened.

As a computer consultant for several decades, the author has developed software for such organizations as NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS), AT&T, Charles Schwab, Bell Laboratories and Chase. The author spent some time as a science writer for a Florida based magazine. His letters and articles on a wide range of topics have appeared in The New York Post, The New York Daily News, The Jewish Press, Newsday, The Village Voice and others.

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